

Builds one or more files (typically .cs files) into an assembly (a dll or executable).

CSAssembly( alias ) ; (optional) Alias { .Compiler ; Path to the C# compiler .CompilerOptions ; Options to pass to the compiler .CompilerOutput ; Output file to be generated .CompilerInputPath ; (optional) Path to include files from .CompilerInputPathRecurse ; (optional) Whether to recurse into sub-dirs (default true) .CompilerInputPattern ; (optional) Pattern(s) of input files (default *.cs) .CompilerInputFiles ' (optional) Explicit list of files to compile .CompilerInputExcludePath ; (optional) Path(s) to exclude from compilation .CompilerInputExcludedFiles ; (optional) File(s) to exclude from compilation (partial, root-relative of full path) .CompilerInputExcludePattern ; (optional) Pattern(s) to exclude from compilation .CompilerReferences ; (optional) References for the assembly ; Additional options .PreBuildDependencies ; (optional) Force targets to be built before this assembly (Rarely needed, ; but useful when an assembly relies on generated code). }

Build-Time Substitutions

  • CompilerOptions
    • %1 - Input file(s) for the compilation, as specified by the various Input parameters.
    • %2 - Output assembly as specified by 'CompilerOutput'. Use with /out:"%2"
    • %3 - Additional references as specified by 'CompilerReferences'. Use with /reference:"%3"