Builds an executable by linking together one or more libraries.
Executable( alias ) ; (optional) Alias
.Linker ; Linker executable to use
.LinkerOutput ; Output from linker
.LinkerOptions ; Options to pass to linker
.Libraries ; Libraries to link into executable
.Libraries2 ; (optional) Secondary libraries to link into executable
.LinkerLinkObjects ; (optional) Link objects used to make libs instead of libs (default false)
.LinkerAssemblyResources ; (optional) List of assembly resources to use with %3
.LinkerStampExe ; (optional) Executable to run post-link to "stamp" executable in-place
.LinkerStampExeArgs ; (optional) Arguments to pass to LinkerStampExe
.LinkerType ; (optional) Specify the linker type. Valid options include:
; auto, msvc, gcc, snc-ps3, clang-orbis, greenhills-exlr, codewarrior-ld
; Default is 'auto' (use the linker executable name to detect)
.LinkerAllowResponseFile ; (optional) Allow response files to be used if not auto-detected (default: false)
.LinkerForceResponseFile ; (optional) Force use of response files (default: false)
; Additional options
.PreBuildDependencies ; (optional) Force targets to be built before this Executable (Rarely needed,
; but useful when Executable relies on externally generated files).
.ConcurrencyGroupName ; (optional) Concurrency Group for this task
.Environment ; (optional) Environment variables to use for local build
; If set, linker uses this environment
; If not set, linker uses .Environment from your Settings node
Build-Time Substitutions
- LinkerOptions
- %1 - Input file(s) for the link, as specified by the 'Libraries' and 'Libraries2' parameters.
- %1[0] - Input file(s) for the link, as specified by 'Libraries' only.
- %1[1] - Input file(s) for the link, as specified by 'Libraries2' only.
- %2 - Output assembly as specified by 'LinkerOutput'.
- %3 - AssemblyResources as specified in 'LinkerAssemblyResources'. For use with /ASSEMBLYRESOURCE"%3" (MSVC Only)